The following groups are TRUSTED and TESTED by myself after 15 years of extensive researching and observations of ‘bad players’ within the “Freedom” or “Truth” movement. If anyone is charging you more than a few hundred quid to teach you stuff online or “create your remedy for you” – then they are likely not to be trusted. There are many examples of people being charged ‘£-thousands’ for Trust creation or some other service.
I describe it as the progression of the “Freeman On The Land” movement – which really was just a term coined by others to describe a vast body of people from all walks of life and countries, looking at a vast body of information around spirituality, divine law, natural law, constitutional law, history, psychology, occulted knowledge, equity and contract law and modern systems of government and society.
Accomplished, succinct and absolutely essential once you are ready to move forward
10 star recommendation
FREE – No cost invovled
A simple roadmap to straighten your mind, life and business affairs and be free of the control of others.
8 star recommendation
Free basic info
Paid in-depth info
Not the cheapest – good mindset breaking courses from ~£120.
The Sovereign Project
Educators of fundamental concepts and remedies, with a focus on reversing the ‘slave’ mindset and encouraging a variety of solutions to real-world problems.
Excellent course available in 22 parts for just £68.
6 star recommendation
Hornseywood Academy
Immediate education resources and remedies revolving around trademarking your legal name and starting a dormant company in your legal ficitonal name.
£5 a month for access to their Patreon resources.
4 star recommendation